Jonathan Salem BaskinThe Head Fake of AI RegulationThere’s lots going on with AI regulation. The EU AI Act went live last month, the US, UK, and EU will sign-on to a treaty on AI later this…19h ago19h ago
Jonathan Salem BaskinMeet The New AI BossSince LLMs are only as good as the data on which they’re based, it should be no surprise that they can function properly and still be…Sep 2Sep 2
Jonathan Salem BaskinProve You’re Not An AIA group of AI research luminaries has declared the need for tools that distinguish human users from artificial ones.Aug 26Aug 26
Jonathan Salem BaskinDon’t Fall In Love With Your AIYou’re probably going to break up with your smart assistant. Your future life partner has just arrived.Aug 12Aug 12
Jonathan Salem BaskinThe Bias In AIThe latest headlines about AI are a reminder that most egregious biases relating to AI are held by the people talking about it.Aug 6Aug 6
Jonathan Salem BaskinAIs At The Next Office PartyHow can you make sure your new AI worker will drink the company Kool-Aid like the human employee it replaced did?Jul 22Jul 22
Jonathan Salem BaskinGet Ready For The AI UnderworldTurns out that AI crime can be automated.Jul 15Jul 15
Jonathan Salem BaskinThe AI Revolution Is A Boiling FrogReports of the failure of AI to transform the world are many. They’re also wrong.Jul 10Jul 10
Jonathan Salem BaskinAI Is A Religion, Not A TechnologyBelief is at the core of our relationship with AI, and it informs our hopes and fears for developing and using it.Jul 1Jul 1
Jonathan Salem BaskinAll Hail Pliny The PrompterThe promise of a world run by AI depends on our ability to trust its accuracy and reliability. There’s work underway to prove that promise…Jun 24Jun 24